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Bruno Rocha

Web, Frontend, and App

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FluFlutter - Zero Risk Gambling Experience

Play Odd and Even Hand Game with Quantum Randomness and Smart Contracts Automation. It operates on the Polygon and Mumbai blockchains using our free to mint FlyFlutterCoin.

VjkSwapp - ERC20 Playground

An app to interact with some common ERC20 functions: check Balance, Send, Wrap and unWrap, Swap (powered by Uniswap) and check transaction history.

vjkNFT - Automatic NFT Generator

A group of smart contracts, working together to create a single, unique NFT. Chainlink Automation enables conditional execution of your smart contracts functions.

Hey, I’m Bruno

One of my proudest achievements was being part of a student Aero-Design group at the University.
It ignited my passion for Teamwork and Making a Difference in the Field.

Witnessing how the Web Empowers Communities through Innovation and meaningful Connections is incredibly inspiring.
Being in Web Development lets me contribute to its evolution.

The dynamic digital landscape and Collaborative Nature align with my Teamwork and Impact-Driven passion.
I`m excited about the Opportunities to create meaningful Change Through Technology.

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Me standing in front of the Torii on Miyajima, an island off the coast of Hiroshima in Japan